阀门种类 用于工业行业. 截止阀; 止回阀; 高压闸阀 等 SEMPELL benefits from 130 years of experience and delivers co*ol, safety relief and isolation valves to conventional and nuclear power plants as well as the chemical industry. SEMPELL offers its customer optimal solutions in all *es where high pressure, extreme temperatures and critical properties exit, especially where high safety regulations are required. The standard delivery program covers nearly all areas. Additionally SEMPELL develops and manufactures customized valves. SEMPELL has been part of Tyco International Ltd. Since 1997 and is within the TYCO Flow Co*ol Group. 主要产品有: 调节阀 安全阀 电磁阀 执行器 标签: 德国SE 德国SEMPELL截止阀 秦皇岛市阀门 秦皇岛市阀门厂家 [德国SEMPELL截止阀]
秦皇岛市阀门厂家 供应SEMPELL阀门 德国SEMPELL阀门